I suppose I should tell you about my rather enlightening visit to Dr. Sarah Chen’s office last Tuesday. You know the type – pristine white walls, reception area that smells vaguely of lavender, and that peculiar hush that seems to suggest everyone’s harboring terribly important skincare secrets.
I was there for my usual facial – “maintenance,” as my mother would say, though she’d sooner admit to dyeing her hair than spending money on such frivolities. That’s when I noticed it: this rather elegant contraption perched on Dr. Chen’s counter like some sort of modernist sculpture that had wandered in from a gallery opening.
“Ah, you’ve spotted my little friend,” Dr. Chen said, following my gaze. She had that look about her – the one aestheticians get when they’re about to share something that will make you question every life choice you’ve made regarding your skin. “That’s what gives my clients that ethereal glow. You know Sharon from the pharmaceutical board? The one everyone thinks had ‘work’ done?”
Well, I’ll be honest – it wasn’t what I expected. Not another $300 serum made from rare Swiss alpine flowers (though I’ve fallen for those too, haven’t I?). It was the Cloud Humidifier by Vitruvi, of all things.
**What Makes It Rather Special:**
• Cleanable in the dishwasher, which is more than I can say for my current humidifier (currently gathering dust in the garage, a testament to good intentions gone awry)
• Whisper-quiet operation, because heaven knows eczema keeps us awake enough without adding to the symphony
• Made without BPA, which is one less thing for my already irritated skin to worry about
• Safe for children, though mine are grown and would rather die than admit mother knows best about skincare
• A 360-degree rotating spout, which sounds terribly technical but essentially means it somehow manages to make the whole room feel like a spa
I’ll share what Dr. Chen told me as she was finishing up my treatment (and I was trying not to wince at the extraction part – some things never get easier, do they?): “The secret to healthy skin isn’t in the $200 creams. It’s in creating the right environment.”
**A Few Notable Observations:**
“I’ve never seen anything quite like it,” says Dr. Michelle Park, who’s been practicing dermatology longer than I’ve been fighting with my hair. “It’s the foundation of a proper skincare routine.” High praise from someone who’s seen every trend come and go twice.
I must admit, there’s something rather satisfying about a beauty device that doesn’t look like it belongs in a medical supply store. It sits on my nightstand now, quietly doing its work while I sleep – rather like having a very efficient, very silent butler for your skin.
The Cloud Humidifier by Vitruvi has been quietly residing on my nightstand for three weeks now. I say quietly because, unlike my last humidifier (which sounded like a distant relative of the vacuum cleaner), this one purrs along without so much as a whisper. My skin, for its part, has been surprisingly well-behaved – though I’m trying not to jinx it by getting too excited.
While supplies last, Credo’s offering 40% off. Quite generous, though between you and me, I would have paid full price had I known what a difference it would make. Don’t tell them I said that.
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P.S. You might be wondering if I’m becoming one of those people who talks endlessly about their skincare routine. Perhaps. But unlike Martha’s stories about her juice cleanse (which we’ve all heard quite enough of at book club), this one comes with visible proof – and significantly less scratching. See for yourself with 40% off.
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